Trading Operations
EFT trades primarily in wholesale electricity, delivering to customers in more than 20 countries. We sell electricity to power utilities, energy exchanges, industrial customers, traders and transmission and distribution operators.
The SEE region is a habitat for a number of illiquid but correlated energy markets. Owing to limited cross border capacity (CBC) restraints, energy cannot be easily transported from it’s supply origin to its destination of demand. This complexity is EFT’s biggest challenge, but also what we excel in most. We have a presence in all countries where we trade, arming our traders with timely market information and enabling them to recognise opportunities before our competition. With the aid of complex hedging techniques and sophisticated analytics we deliver the most competitive power at lowest risk.

Our seven teams comprise a dynamic but comprehensive operation
Trading Department
The trading department isdivided into short- and long-term trading desks. Traders look for potential market discrepancies and structure deals to deliver energy through the most efficient routes.
Portfolio Management Team
The portfolio management team analyses, purchases and manages long-term cross-border capacity rights and provides long-term alternative plans to build and optimize the Group’s portfolio on a yearly, quarterly and monthly level.
Analytics Team
The analytics team forecasts medium and long-term electricity consumption, production and energy balances for the markets in which EFT operates. The team also monitors global macroeconomic trends and other energy-related commodities for impact on the forward and spot prices of electricity.
Risk Management Team
The risk management team calculates confidence levels for the portfolio, providing an objective view of the risks we face including market risk, currency risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, counterparty risk, political risk and operational risk.
Scheduling optimises capacity usage through short-term and day-ahead plans, all in an hourly resolution. The team supports spot arbitrage in close collaboration with our traders and communicates EFT’s internal and cross-border nominations to the transmission system operators.
Settlements Team
The settlements team manages deal confirmations, invoicing and contract fulfilment.
IT Support
Our IT support develops and maintains our bespoke, trading platforms: EPOX and InBalance.

Products and Service
Standard Products
– Weekly base or peak
– Workday base, peak or off-peak
– Weekend
– All of the above are traded in hourly, daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly or longer-periods.
Structured Products
– Extendable delivery purchase and sales contracts
– Interruptible delivery purchase and sales contracts
– Emergency delivery of energy on short and long-term notice
– Upward reserve power
– Downward reserve power
– CBCs and power exchanges access service
– Physical location and time swaps

The risk profile of our industry can change swiftly. Political intervention and other externalities make it difficult to maintain a firm strategy and to plan investments. A lack of transparency in the markets where we trade makes hedging positions very difficult and thus a strategy of risk exposure mitigation becomes a prerequisite. For these reasons, we put more emphasis now on risk management than ever before.